Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Did you know that the German name for this breed is actually "dackel" and not dachshund?  English speakers call them "dachshunds" because this is a combo of the German word for "badger" and "dog", which makes sense.  However, if you cross the pond and go for a drink in the Altstadt in Dusseldorf, for example, you will introduce your dog to your friends as a dackel!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Welcome Back to Dog Town!

*cover model by Checker

We hope that everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Day, but we also missed some of our regular furry faces!  Today it was back to business as usual.  It was so so nice that the weather cooperated also.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

La Piscine

That's right, we opened the Big Pool today!  The sun was high in the sky and the temperature was climbing, and with our pool freshly filtered it seemed like the perfect opening day.  Some of our pups were pretty enthused, and some were...not.  As always we maintain safety first and made sure that there were only a few dogs swimming at a time and we had "lifeguards" on duty.  We also had a small life jacket for our smaller canines on hand.  Everyone had a blast!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

This One's For You Snow Dogs

We have all kinds of dogs here at Divine Canine; shaggy dogs, skinny dogs, plump dogs, happy dogs, little dogs, really really big dogs, loud dogs that talk, and quiet dogs that observe- you name it, we've got it.  Today was a day for all of our big shaggies.  You know, those dogs that like to sleep outside in the snow when it's 15 degrees out.  It's the end of May and perhaps these dogs thought they wouldn't be properly happy and comfortable again until November, but surprise surprise, today was a day just for them.  See in the snow fort!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bridge Over Furry Waters

'Twas another blissful spring day here at the Divine Canine.  We've heard that cold and *gasp* possibly even snow are on the way, so we were determined to make the most of the warmth today.  We hope that you did too!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Rainy Thundery May Kind of Day

Rain, snow, thunder, hail- ah, the joys of May!  We take it in stride here and still have fun, weather (see what I did there?) we are playing inside or outside.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Welcome to Lake Divine

On these lovely sunny days our pups can't get enough of "Lake Divine", aka the pools we put out.  Did you know that Lake Divine also has waterfalls?  These "waterfalls" are actually hoses, but the effect is pretty much the same.  

Monday, May 1, 2017

Magical, Majestic, Magnificent Mondays

I can understand how so many people hate Mondays, really, I can.  I can see why Garfield may have hidden under his blanket and shredded his day calendar.  Around here though it just means that our familiar fuzzy faces come back to play.  We don't hate Mondays, you see, we relish them.  Sorry (but not that sorry) Garfield.