Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Friday!

Today was a great day! The dogs had a blast and the weather was wonderful! Valerie left on vacation, so the blog may be a bit scarce after today. Enjoy!

Rhett enjoyed frolicking on the grass:

Ursa is such a cutie! I caught her mid-lick. Ha!

Valerie's dog Ceilidh (pronounced Cailey) is staying with us, along with her bloodhound Copper, while she's on vacation! Ceilidh says, "Come back soon, Val! We all miss you!"

The Golden Copper always strikes a great pose when there's a camera around!

Malibu enjoyed sunning herself today.

I'll post more from today later this weekend. Have a great one. Enjoy the FINALLY warm weather. It seems as though Spring has finally sprung now that it's almost summer!

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