Friday, September 14, 2007

**Fall is Here for Sure**

Today was kind of a chilly day! We went ahead and took the dogs outside. They weren't cold though, bccause of course they were all running about the yard. :) Here's my little love Aksel getting a bath. He's not cold, even wet! He's an arctic dog and welcomes the coolness!
Here is Riley (black mix) playing with Meyer (Puggle). Look at Riley's big smile!!! Awwe! The Corgi is Peanut, he is trying to join in!

This is a picture of Thunder and Lily playing, while Wyndy and Max investigate!

I just thought this picture was cute! Kobe is asking for some lovin'!

This is Shadow (Newfouldland) playing with Achillies (lab mix). They wrestled all day long!
That's all for this Friday! See you all next week!

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